Saturday, April 4, 2009

Second Step -- Getting Hubby on Board!

Budget date with hubby went really well. It brought up an entire dialogue about where we are versus where we'd like to be. I mentioned Venice, he mentioned buying an RV to travel the US. (OK, so we're not on the same page for what we want to do in retirement, but at least we've started that conversation)

We have a pretty good idea of where we are financially for the next 4 weeks at least. AND after all the necessities, we have a bit of money left over. I'm calling that our "crisis" money. When you have children and vehicles, something always comes up that needs money NOW. We have a small cushion for that.

The 4 week budget subtracts money for child support first, savings second. (Have I mentioned that one of the things that made me fall in love with my husband was that he feels true responsibility towards his children? The child support has always been his first financial priority)

Husband was extemely helpful in figuring out which bills need to be paid which week. (we are still living paycheck-to-paycheck). He even made a couple of really great suggestions and listened carefully to what I had to say.

Part of this budget date for me was coming to full disclosure. He and I have been together more than six years and have always had a joint checking. It's always been my "job" to keep tracking of the accounts. For the first time in our marriage, I gave him the username and password to the bank account online. He's always had access to the account, but no way to check the balance. Full disclosure = no more hiding shoe purchases.

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