Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Manage money

I used to complain that everyone I knew that was completely debt free had done it through an inheritance, or some other large lump sum payment. How do you get debt free by living paycheck to paycheck?

We have this problem. Our answer is that we are now setting some money aside from our paychecks every week. It's not much, but it's something. The "experts" say you should have six months of your living expenses in an emergency fund. When I reconsidered this, I realized that what was in my mind was six months of our income, not living expenses. I have adjusted this mentally to cover the monthly bills, and exclude groceries and gasoline. The reasoning is that it's very unlikely that we would both lose our jobs at the same time, and one income should be enough to cover the gasoline and groceries. (especially if we're only driving one car).

Mentally, this has been a great load of my mind, and seems much more possible.

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